Thursday, October 8, 2009

Neurofibromatosis 1

Neurofibromatosis is a genetic disorder of the nervous system that usually affect the development and growth of nerve cell tissues. They cause tumors to grow on nerves and create other issues such as skin changes and bone deformities.

on the left is the beginning of a tumor in the dermal, and on the right it shows the plexiform neurofibroma with antibodies against s-100 protiens.

affected body system:
the nervous system

-Cataracts at

young ages

-Learning disabilities

- Brown colored skin marks

-Facial weaknesses

-Ringing in ears

-Balance Problems

- Changes in vision


-Freckles in creases of armpits/groin


-high blood pressure


-speech impairment

-optic nerve tumors

-Early puberty


1 comment:

Mrs. Bernstein said...

Which Becca are you? A or C?