Sunday, October 4, 2009


Pneumonia- Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. It it the third leading death in America. The symptoms of pneumonia include, coughing, fever, chest pain, as well as having a hard time breathing. Diagnosing this disease takes may tests, and examinations. Tapping on the back, and listening to abnormal sounds of the body may lead to the result of pneumonia. As treatments for the body, the body is given antibitoics. Until this day, if given an antibiotic is the beginning process of the disease, the antibitoics are very effective. Systems that are involved in this disease is the repiratory system. The respiratory system is what helps us breathe. It is what exchanges the oxygen into carbon dioxide. Pneumonia is what effects the repiratory system, which results in breathing difficulties.


Mike S. said...

Pneumonia is a pretty bad sickness to have, it definately does interfere with homeostasis because it affects our brething which would affect how much oxygen gets to our cells. My mom, who had pneamonia four times as a child, told me it feels like a constant pressing on your longs and all you can do is cough.

Monireh said...

Pneumonia. Wow. I had it before. I for one can DEFINITLY testify against its horrible symtpoms. Like Mike says, it feels like a pressing against your chest cavity. Your heart feels cold and it kind of has a stinging feeling to it. It would definitly cause the body to react to maintain homeostasis such as chills, fever, and other symptoms I can't remember.Lol.

Michael A said...

The disadvantage to not being able to breathe is clearly not getting enough oxygen to the body's organs. Does this mean the body's nervous system is also effected since the brain isn't working at full efficiency?

Frank Tu Thu said...

Ive had pneumonia once haha i had to cough like 24/7 let alone how i had really bad asthma at the time. I thought that it was one was the worst times of my life cause I can never feel like being able to relax with out coughing.